What Sets Us Apart from all other Facilities?

Where in Helena can you find a facility that will put together a workout and have a trainer on site during all group classes to correct form and answer questions as well as build a nutrition plan for every member based on your needs and schedule? Nowhere but here!


Our Group sessions are designed to train small groups of up to 8 people, which means our clients get  Professional Training up to 5 days a week without the personal trainer price.
We start by focusing on basic body mechanics and correcting form, before focusing on increasing weight and reps.  We adjust angles until the correct muscles are being activated and use innovative training techniques to correct habits that have created an imbalance cause one muscle group to become dominant over the other. 

During the initial visit the trainer will closely watch all workouts performed in order to spot imbalances and direct the client on how to activate the primary mover.  Once the correct movement is achieved then Client practices repetitions to reprogram the right muscles to fire. Then when ready, we add weight to the movement is start building strength.

Body-weight are very important to train the nervous system to perform the movement correct automatically.  


What to expect from our workouts?
One 55 minute session includes a5-8 minutes warm-up, bodyweight exercises to warm up the shoulders, hips, and central nervous system. This is then followed by a full body with a focus being of one particular muscle group with intermittent Cardio routines to keep the heart rate up to increase metabolic burn and build muscle. Workouts can be modified to each client, to adjust for injury or condition and meet their goals.

By combining a variation of workouts with cardio our clients get in better shape, faster than any other program out there.